Bruce Smith, CEO & Founder of CREW, knows a thing or ten about rowing. His credentials include being the executive director of Community Rowing in Boston, coaching the US team in the World Rowing Championships, and winning the Head of the Charles. Rowing, along with entrepreneurship, has been a lifelong passion.
“I’m convinced that rowing is underutilized not just in health and fitness, but as a tool for creating greater human empathy and connection. So I wanted to figure out a way to popularize it, and instead of trying to build a bunch of boat houses, we decided to take the rowing experience mobile.”
“Originally, we thought we were just going to build the app, not the hardware. We expected the app to be used with existing machines. But the initial response from our investors was so positive about the app, the decision to make the rowing machine came quickly after.”
The machine itself is a thing of beauty (and we highly suggest you check it out on the website linked above), but the app provides the actual interactive experience.
“The idea was to broadcast live from the water; to provide an experience of live outdoor reality. We spent a lot of energy and creative process on how to capture the feeling of being outside, the emotional experience of being outside. We wanted to transfer that experience into 2D and to virtual reality.”