Pay It Forward

Aug 5, 2010


Our Rocket Farm hearts go out to Stephen Randall, Steve An, and the rest of the LocaModa crew. 18 months ago when LocaModa was one of our first clients, Stephen was kind enough to offer us some desk space. That evolved into an even kinder invite to make ourselves at home as long as it was mutually convenient. And it has been ever since.
Stephen tells the story that when LocaModa was getting started the kind folks at Altitude Design incubated them for 6 months. He’d always wanted to repay that experience to someone else.
Now those someone elses in the LocaModa space includes not just Rocket Farm, but also Noteflight and Both are fascinating companies in their own right and worthy of checking out. And it’s turned into exactly what you’d hope from an incubator – highly collaborative, great people to bounce ideas off, to make connections for, and so forth – a real sense of camaraderie. So here we are 18 months later with a roof over our heads, running water, printers, and a kitchen. Love it! Could not have survived and gotten to where we are without it.
We’ve done our best to help LocaModa when we can on the business and technology side. But I think the best way we’ll ever be able to repay Stephen and crew is to go out and Pay It Forward at some future point of time, when we’re (knock on copious amounts of wood) in a position to get our own space and invite some brand new companies into the mix. There’s been a lot written about paid and unpaid incubation spaces. And for good reason – it fosters a culture of helping, sharing, and brothers and sisters in arms in the startup world.
Pay It Forward. It will come back.


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