7 Places to Learn to Code Mobile Apps

June 22, 2015
Ashley Rondeau

We’re always on the look out for great developers because, to be honest, great developers are hard to find. You’d think in this digital age, everyone would be graduating with a computer science degree, but both in the US and in other countries, there seems to be a shortage of software developers. Only 6% of 200 enterprise companies in one survey said they had enough mobile app developers on staff. As everyone goes mobile, the demand right now is huge and there just isn’t enough supply.
While it takes years to become a truly skilled developer, there’s no better time than today for those interesting in coding to take the plunge. We’ve polled some of our great developers for advice on how best to get started, and we’ve come up with a list of 7 online programs that will teach you how to code.

1. Ray Wenderlich (www.raywenderlich.com)

Ray Wenderlich Tutorials for iPhone iOS Developers and Gamers
Ostensibly a blog, but much more than that, this site has over 800 tutorials, most of which are geared specifically for app development. Another strength is the site’s commitment to growing a good community of developers helping each other out. The written tutorials are free and as of this writing, you can subscribe to their video tutorials for $15/month. We refer our own network of developers here all the time for specific tutorials. Of course, as a depot of information, it’s less structured than an actual school or bootcamp, so it’s best utilized with those with great self-discipline.

2. The Mobile Makers Academy (www.mobilemakers.co)

iOS Bootcamp — Mobile Makers Academy
Mobile Makers is an iOS specific bootcamp with enough clout that prospective students need to apply to get in. It’s an 8-week course that provides an immersive experience and gets students coding right away, and when they say bootcamp they mean it. If you enroll, get ready to put in long hours in and out of class reading, learning, and working on assignments. It’s definitely not for the casual student, but if you’re dead serious about learning to code and you’ve got the time, Mobile Makers is a great bet. The online version is $5000 while the on-site bootcamp runs $9000 in Chicago and $11,000 in San Francisco.

3. Treehouse (www.teamtreehouse.com)

Features Treehouse
If you’re a complete beginner to coding mobile apps, Treehouse might be what you’re looking for. They bridge the space between free tutorials and intense bootcamps offering access to curated content, guided practice and a thriving community. Earning praise for their clear tutorials and approachable entry into coding, Treehouse comes highly recommended by online communities and businesses. Their basic plan starts at $25/month. Since it’s not a bootcamp or a school, it’s better for those with self-direction.

4. Bloc (www.bloc.io)

Bloc The World s Largest Online Android Bootcamp (1)
Bloc is probably the world’s largest online bootcamp. They’ve been around a while and always receive high marks. Specifically, we’ve heard very good things about their Android program. While it’s not as intense as other bootcamps (it’s part-time ranging from 12 to 36 weeks), it’s completely online for your convenience and as immersive as possible by giving you access to a seasoned mentor to hold you accountable to lessons and assignments. For $4,999 to take the courses, it’s a serious option for dedicated students who have the desire but not the freedom to take full-day classes.

5. Code School (www.codeschool.com)

iOS Code School
For those who already have some programming experience, and want to add iOS to your skill set, Code School’s courses have a ton of good buzz with over a million students. Again, complete beginners might not find what they need here, especially if they need a lot of guidance, but if you already know some code the courses and screencasts will quickly get you up to speed on a new language. One great feature is the ability to sign up as a team, and Code School will help track team progress on lessons and maintain a leaderboard to foster friendly competition. Starts at $29/month.

6. Github (swifteducation.github.io)

Swift Education
Technically for educators who want a course guide and materials to teach others, Apple’s Swift Education on Github is still a great free way to learn to code for iOS, as long as you have the self-motivation and self-direction to stay on track. Made for those who already have some familiarity with object-oriented languages such as Java, Ruby or Python; since it is published by Apple themselves, the courses have everything you need to work in the Apple mobile environment. If you know a bit about coding already and want to really dig into Swift on your own time, check this out. After all, you’re probably already on Github anyway.

7. Codea (Codea app on iTunes)

Use an app to learn how to code an app. Makes sense to us. For those of you who want to casually give coding a chance, $14.99 will get you a surprisingly robust coding app that will introduce you to the basic concepts. It’s perfect for younger students who want to see how fun coding can be, allowing you to create games and simulations as you go. Coding on the Lua language and simplifying many concepts, Codea won’t be enough to get you a job, but it’s an easy entry to coding that will hopefully inspire a desire to learn more. After all, if you don’t see the beauty in the lines of code you produce, you won’t last long in the business.
Got some favorite online courses or bootcamps for mobile app programming? Sound off in the comments below.

So, if you don’t know where to get started with a blueprint for your app, Rocket Farm Studios can take the pressure off.

5 Reasons to Learn to Code in Swift

June 17, 2015
Ashley Rondeau

Earlier this month, Apple announced Swift 2, an updated version of the app programming language that Cupertino has been pushing for over a year now (to give a sense of how hard Apple is pushing it, at WWDC all the sessions were done in Swift). The new update comes with a slew of new features, and it prompted us to explore the many reasons more and more app developers need to learn how to code in Swift if they want to continue to be relevant in iOS. Here are the top 5 reasons to learn to code in Swift.

1. It’s going open source. And everywhere.

The biggest announcement on Swift, that literally drew cheers from the crowd, is that it would be available under an open source license. Why was this such a revelation? First off, this is a fairly uncharacteristic move from Apple; how often do they go open source with anything? Sure, Google’s Android has always been open, but Apple has traditionally kept everything very proprietary. Perhaps they are testing the waters of open source since they’ve witnessed Android’s successful proliferation using this strategy.

Second, app developers love this move because they’ll be able to really dig into the Swift language and play around with it. The real power of Android was unleashed when talented programmers molded it to fit their own needs, and that’s what will happen with Swift as well. Of course, being open source, it allows developers to port the language to other platforms; even Windows and Android. We’re going to be seeing Swift everywhere soon, so now is a great time to learn the language.

2. It’s easy to learn, especially for beginners.

Compared to Objective-C, many programmers feel Swift is more accessible and less intimidating. For example, App Camp for Girls, a great organization empowering young women to take up coding, is rewriting their camp apps using Swift. Volunteers at the camp believe Swift is “easier to understand and thus easier to teach and learn.”

Raphael Miller, mobile app developers for Getty Images, said “we’ve noticed that with Swift you can bring in junior people quicker…. The learning curve is still there, but it seems like people pick it up faster, and they’re less worried about syntax and more about just writing code.” Because of this lower barrier to entry, we’ll be seeing more young programmers cut their teeth on Swift in the future.

3. It’s less prone to bugs and breaking.

 One of the reasons Swift is great for beginners is that it tends to be much more forgiving than Objective-C. It handles information more intelligently, it manages memory better, it’s more efficient. So programmers usually see less crashes while performance is at least on par, if not better. “Swift seems like it finally gives the developers in the iOS world the ability to do the things you have been able to do in the scripting world but without the penalties,” said Daniel Doubrovkine, head of engineering at Artsy.

One example of Swift’s advantage over Objective-C: coders don’t have to declare the type of variable if they are assigning values to it. Swift will “infer” the type, which is something ObjC doesn’t do. Thus, there are less places for mistyped code. Smart features like this, along with the huge benefit of seeing real-time changes in this “live coding” language, and it’s easy to see why Swift is such a hit.

4. It’s faster than Objective-C.

 When Swift premiered, benchmarks put Swift performance markedly slower than ObjC. But in about a year, that all changed and now is much faster. There are many technical reasons why Swift sees faster performance (feel free to read about them here and here), but it’s been winning over converts. Couple this with Swift just being faster to code in, and you’ve got a winner. Here’s a great example of how Swift allows for shorter, more elegant code. Here’s how to create a record of favorite numbers in Objective-C:NSDictionary *favoriteNumbers = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:7], @”Jane”, [NSNumber numberWithInteger:21], @”Bob”, [NSNumber numberWithInteger:99], @”Sarah”, nil]];
and here it is, much more succinctly, in Swift:
var favoriteNumbers = [“Jane”: 7, “Bob”: 21, “Sarah”: 99]

5. It’s already growing like crazy.

Here’s a fun little chart from Stack Overflow via Slashgear surveying over 26,000 developers:
Screen-Shot-2015-04-10-at-2.12.42-PM-600x406Developers love Swift. Remember, it was only introduced last summer and it is already ranked #22 in language popularity in a study by RedMonk, which is “unprecedented” growth. Big company names like Lyft and SlideShare are already making the switch.
Still, less than 8% of developers currently use Swift. If anything, this tells us that now is the time for app developers to add this language to your repertoire. It’s on fire, but it’s still the wild west. We think first-movers in this field who can establish themselves as Swift developers will have a leg-up as the language matures and more and more people look to develop apps using it. We’re certainly gung-ho about Swift at Rocket Farm Studios, and can’t wait to see how it matures now that it’s open source.RFS-Banner-LinkedIn

So, if you don’t know where to get started with a blueprint for your app, Rocket Farm Studios can take the pressure off.

5 Things App Developers Need to Know about The Internet of Things

June 8, 2015
Ashley Rondeau

By now, you’re probably familiar with the so called “Internet of Things.” If not, it’s the reason we got to meet Steve Wozniak, but that’s another story. “IoT” has been defined in a variety of ways, but the general concept is easy to understand: more and more everyday things we interact with are becoming connected to the internet, and to us. Smart watches, Google’s Nest, printers that automatically order ink when they’re running low; these all fit into the realm of IoT, and it’s a red hot trend in technology. Intel just opened an IoT lab in Ireland and today was the first day of IoTX (Internet of Things Expo) in Dubai.
This connectedness between everyday tech has some large ramifications for app developers specifically. In many ways, we are the ones really at the forefront of this tech revolution since mobile apps will largely be the way humans interface with these smart machines. It’s a big responsibility, not to mention challenge, so here are the five things we are thinking about the most when we talk about the coming Internet of Things revolution.

1. It’s not just about software.

This week, the Sensors Expo and Conference (yes, that’s a thing) will be hosting more than 200 companies that plan to take a bite of the $15 billion pie that sales of sensors are expected to bring in next year. Some of those sensors look like this:
sensors9Soon, tiny sensors like this (and probably much smaller) will be in our coffee pots, washing machines, you name it. They have to be to connect these machines to the web, and app designers need to understand the capabilities of these sensors if they want to be in the IoT business. The relationship between app software and real-world hardware is going to become much tighter. App developers will need to forge partnerships with hardware manufacturers not just for tech purposes, but sales purposes as well: those who are experts at integrating with hardware will enjoy long-lasting relationships with their clients who will be more demanding of this skillset.

2. Big Data is going to get bigger…and noisier.

According to Microsoft France CTO Bernard Ourghanlian, the company “has over an exabyte of data in its public cloud environment, with around seven petabytes of new data storage acquired every month.” That’s an astounding amount of data, but imagine the day that every toaster, every air conditioner has a web-enabled sensor. “Big Data” is going to be an understatement.
The trick isn’t going to be collecting all this data. For app makers, it will be filtering through the data to what is truly useful for our customers, and then presenting it in a easily digestible way. This is already a big problem when it comes to designing UX, so we need to start working on this problem today.
Especially because choosing what data to collect and display has real-world economical considerations as well. According to Camille Loth of m20City, enterprises only use about 10% of all data collected. With most data not being touched, can app developers save corporations money by recommending a less sensitive, and thus less expensive, sensor in their products? The better we can sift through the data to deliver, the more money we can save for both our clients and their customers.

3. Security, security, security.

security-265130_1280Do you want hackers to know when you’ve got new physical mail? If smart mailboxes become a thing, it will be an odd thing we worry about. As more things get connected, customers will want more assurance that their privacy and security are in place. After all, some people are already calling IoT a “creepy” future.
Said Stephen Baker, a developer at Deloitte’s national security sector: “If those customers just think the vendor is terrible and someone can watch their baby from across the world, they’re not going to like that device. They’re not going to buy it.”
How familiar are you with DNS security extensions? Onion routing? Transport layer security? How can you keep the IoT manageable and secure in the cloud? Developers will have to stay on the forefront of the privacy battle or at the very least risk losing business, and at worse providing a hole for a huge data breach.

4. Get with IoT or get left behind.

The Internet of Things revolution is unavoidable. The big players are all mobilizing in that direction. For example, Google recently introduced Project Brillo: a version of Android specifically geared to managing IoT devices. Apple, of course, is leading the way, announcing devices that will work on their HomeKit platform. Appinions put together this list of the top influential companies when it comes to IoT:
iOT-Top10Companies-AppinionsSource: Forbes.com
Apple and Google will make iOS and Android be the focal points of the IoT movement. App developers better get on board or find a new line of work.

5. There’s a whole lot of opportunity.

The International Data Corporation (IDC) recently estimated that the IoT market will grow from $655.8 billion in 2014 to $1.7 trillion by 2020. Not only is that amount tremendous, but IDC expects app software will capture a larger percentage of the revenue than even hardware. As more and more devices “come online,” an estimated 50 billion devices by 2020, it’s going to be a massive land-grab as developers try to forge relationships with manufacturers first (and best).
We at Rocket Farm Studios couldn’t be more excited about the Internet of Things future, and we’re already working with some amazingly innovative companies to bring their vision of a connected future into the homes of their customers. It’s not just a big opportunity for developers like us, but we’re just fans of this movement purely from a “geeking out” standpoint. We’re right at the cusp of seeing a future only imagined in sci-fi movies, and it’s going to be a hell of a ride.

So, if you don’t know where to get started with a blueprint for your app, Rocket Farm Studios can take the pressure off.

10 Mobile Metrics Infographic Slide

June 5, 2015
Dan Katcher

So, if you don’t know where to get started with a blueprint for your app, Rocket Farm Studios can take the pressure off.

The 10 Mobile App Metrics You Need to Track (Infographic)

June 4, 2015
Ashley Rondeau

You’ve launched your first app. Congratulations! Now, let’s get to work growing your install base. By tracking certain metrics from launch, and taking cues from the numbers on what actions to take, you’ll get an analytical edge over your competition. We’ve made a quick infographic summarizing our recent series on Usage, Acquisition, and Revenue metrics. Keep these ten metrics in mind as you cultivate your audience.
Click here to download this infographic in printable size.

So, if you don’t know where to get started with a blueprint for your app, Rocket Farm Studios can take the pressure off.